Christopher Michael Mozzillo wasn't afraid of much.
When scuba diving, he would sit on the bow of a sunken ship and feed the sharks that swam by him at the bottom of the ocean. Within hours of learning how to ski, he was testing the most challenging slopes.
"He wasn't afraid of anything," said the 27-year-old's sister, Pamela Mozzillo. "He was fearless. He tried getting me on a black diamond slope only two hours after we first learned to ski. Of course, he skied down the mountain; I walked." It was that fearlessness that made him a perfect candidate for the Fire Department. And it was that fearlessness that led him into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11.
Little Italy's Engine Co. 55 was investigating a reported gas leak on the morning of Sept. 11 when the first plane tore into Tower 1. Engine 55's firefighters were among the first on the scene, and Mr. Mozzillo remains among the missing victims in the terrorist attacks. The bodies of several of his comrades were recovered in Staircase B of Tower 1.
When Mr. Mozzillo graduated from the Fire Academy on Nov. 3, 1999, he fulfilled a lifelong dream, following in the footsteps of his father. He was first assigned to Ladder Co. 148 in Borough Park, Brooklyn, where the firefighters could always rely on Mr. Mozzillo to take care of things.
"Several of them claimed that if Chris couldn't get things done, he'd always know somebody who could," Miss Mozzillo said.
A year later, he rotated to Engine 55, where he fascinated the veteran firefighters with the tales of his adventures. He also got the chance to hone his cooking skills.
"For the first time in his life, he enjoyed eating vegetables," said his father, Michael.
And Mr. Mozzillo liked to try out new dishes on his family, too. "I remember one time I came home and he was making shark," Miss Mozzillo said. "I didn't eat it, but my family did. I don't know where he got it, but it sure stunk."
Nicknamed "The Bull," Mr. Mozzillo was described as strong, fierce and courageous. But he had a heart of gold, doing anything for his girlfriend, Alison Osmer, and always looking out for his sister and his brother, Daniel. Handy around the house, he was the one everyone would look to when something needed fixing.
Mr. Mozzillo traveled in a wide circle of friends, spending summers on the Jersey Shore hopping from beach to restaurant to bar to house party. Wherever he went, he always had a ball. And so did everyone in his company.
"He always had a smile on his face," said his mother, Lydia.
Born in Brooklyn, he was brought to Oakwood as a child.
He graduated from Monsignor Farrell High School, then earned a bachelor of science degree in environmental science from St. John's University, Grymes Hill. While at St. John's, Mr. Mozzillo joined Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, where he served as pledge master and president.
Always a hard worker, Mr. Mozzillo was a jack of all trades, working at his first job when he was 14. He did home improvement and later worked for Holtermann's Bakery, Great Kills; TAM Restaurant Group, based in South Beach, and the ZEBRA Environmental Corp., Lynbrook, L.I. When he left ZEBRA, his colleagues were happy to see him fulfill his dream, but sad to see a dedicated worker and friend leave.
When not fighting fires, Mr. Mozzillo liked to do anything that would get him dirty. When he was younger, he played soccer and loved to go off-roading in his Jeep. In recent years, he could be found cruising on his motorcycle. The daredevil also went bungee-jumping and talked about sky diving.
A free spirit, he would hop in the car and drive to Vermont if he had the urge to ski. When the ocean was calling, he would pack his scuba gear and head for the waters of Florida or North Carolina. Mr. Mozzillo treasured the moments spent on vacations with Miss Osmer.
A music lover, he listened to rock, dance and oldies, counting Live and Smashing Pumpkins among his favorites.
He was a parishioner of St. Charles R.C. Church, Oakwood.
"It's going to be hard not having Chris around," his sister said. "He was not just a brother to me and Danny. He was a brother to everyone."
Staten Island Advance, 2001

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