× When Michael Cawley was 3, some firefighters drove past and yelled: "Hey, Michael Cawley! How are you?"
"Mom didn't know these guys," said Brendan, 27, his younger brother. "But they all knew Michael." By the time he could walk, Michael Cawley wanted to be a firefighter. "Wouldn't it be cool to play major-league baseball?" Brendan once asked. "Rather be a fireman," Michael answered.
Mr. Cawley, 30, scored 100 percent on the Fire Department exam and was assigned to Ladder Company 136 in Elmhurst, Queens. He was "a walking billboard for the Fire Department," said his younger brother. He had drawers of F.D.N.Y. T-shirts and rarely wore anything else. He was furious when he was off duty during a big fire. "I could see how happy he was," said Brendan Cawley, who is studying for the Fire Department tests. "They're buddies, hanging out talking about fires, baseball -- not sitting in an office preparing for a meeting. When someone goes to a fire, they all go with him."
Profile shared from original published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on October 12, 2001.

Coming to Rescue Four

  • Anonymous
2 years 6 months ago - 2 years 6 months ago #8 by Anonymous
Coming to Rescue Four was created by Anonymous
I was young enough in the 80’s working in Rescue 4 on Queens Boulevard in Queens, to remember the Cawley family often visiting our quarters. Dad, had Michael and brother Brenden in tow as really young kids. It was a blast, especially when Michael and Brenden were appointed to FDNY. Being in Ladder 136, just down the road, Michael was a familiar face. Hey when he was detailed or worked overtime, Iam sure it was because he could talk and hang with the rescue guys! That’s one if not the only reason he jumped aboard the rig, that fateful morning. In hindsight he left us the way he wanted to go, with the men in blue! Great kid, and I believe that blue front piece would have been on his helmet someday! Rest In Peace.

Michael Milner retired R4
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