Firefighter Patrick O'Keefe was an amazing man filled with life, love and a magnetism that can only be described as charismatic. For those who had the blessing of sharing just a moment of his life, that memory will live on beyond the heroism of September 11th, embodying the man that he always was.
More affectionately known as Daddy, Pops, Uncle Pat, Paddy’O or just plain Paddy, his commitment as a husband and father lives on in the perseverance and strength of his wife Karen and children, Jennifer and Timothy. Pat’s wit and comedic antics could only be challenged by his daughter who has her father’s humorous spontaneity and love of life. An Irish gentleman of charm, great looks and natural ability, these traits are reflected in his son Timothy. Pat’s love and pride in his wife and children molded so many of the cherished memories that keep him close in their hearts and thoughts every day.​
On July 11, 1981 he became a NYC firefighter assigned to Ladder 35- Engine 40. In 1990 he dedicated the remainder of his career to FNDY’s Rescue Co. 1- Manhattan where he was a senior member, second only to Joseph Angelini, Sr. also lost on 9-11-01. Pat consistently went above and beyond, receiving citations recognition and most importantly, the respect and admiration of his firefighting family as well as his own.
With two brothers and two sisters and an even larger array of in-laws, his fan club is immense. Two of Pat’s most supportive fans, parents Pat and Anne took pride in all of his achievements. Pat genuinely loved and was loved by his family and friends. He was a true professional at making everyone happy. Hungry for a good time, he was often the source of it.
A natural talent in sports, but still an athlete at the game of relaxation, Pat lived the motto “Work Hard, Play Harder”. Skiing, hunting, golf, you name it, he could do it well. Not daunted by challenge, but motivated by it, Pat’s passion was sailing his boat on the Great South Bay. He generously introduced so many of us to this pleasure in his life. Add to this list of talents, Master Craftsman, chef and party phenomenon- he did it all.
​Pat was a “giver”. He gave us all the gift of laughter. He gave us the gift of family and true friendship. Blue waters, blue skies, seen through those blue eyes...he subconsciously taught so many the true meaning of “Smooth Sailing”.
It is not what lies before us and it is not what lay ahead, but more what lies within us that truly matters in our lifetime. You are within us our hearts and souls as we endeavor to live life as you did...filled with life, love and laughter.
​Forever loved. Forever missed. Forever remembered.
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